API Docs
Welcome to the CanJS API documentation! This page is a CHEAT-SHEET for the most common APIs within CanJS. Read the Technology Overview page for background on the following APIs.
Custom Element Basics
Custom elements are defined with StacheElement.
The following defines a <my-counter>
widget and includes it in the page:
<!-- Adds the custom element to the page -->
<script type="module">
import { StacheElement } from "can";
// Extend StacheElement to define a custom element
class Counter extends StacheElement {
// The HTML content within the custom element.
// - {{ this.count }} is a `stache` magic tag.
// - `on:click` is a `stache` event binding.
// Read the VIEWS section below for more details. 👀
static view = `
Count: <span>{{ this.count }}</span>
<button on:click="this.increment()">+1</button>
// Defines the properties used in the view of this custom element.
// Read the OBSERVABLES section below for more details. 👀
static props = {
count: 0
increment() {
// Make <my-counter></my-counter> custom element works in the HTML
customElements.define("my-counter", Counter);
An element's:
- properties are defined with the Observables APIs documented below.
- view is defined with the Views APIs documented below.
- tag name is defined with customElements.define.
Define custom observable key-value types with ObservableObject.
is used to organize the logic of both your StacheElement props and your Data Models. The logic
is expressed as properties and methods.
The following defines a Todo
type with toggleComplete
import { ObservableObject, type } from "can";
// -------------------------------
// Define an observable Todo type:
// -------------------------------
class Todo extends ObservableObject {
static props = {
name: string,
complete: false
// `toggleComplete` is a method
toggleComplete() {
this.complete = !this.complete;
// Create a todo instance:
const todo = new Todo({ name: "Learn Observables" });
Expand to see a larger example with numerous property behaviors:
import { ObservableObject, type } from "can";
import Todo from "//canjs.com/demos/api/todo.mjs";
// -------------------------------
// Define an observable Owner type:
// -------------------------------
class Owner extends ObservableObject {
static props = {
first: String,
last: String
// -------------------------------
// Define an observable Todo type:
// -------------------------------
class Todo extends ObservableObject {
static props = {
// `id` is a Number
// and uniquely identifies instances of this type.
id: { type: Number, identity: true },
// `complete` is a Boolean and defaults to `false`.
complete: {
type: Boolean,
default: false
// `dueDate` is a Date
dueDate: Date,
// `isDueWithin24Hours` property returns if the `.dueDate`
// is in the next 24 hrs. This is a computed property.
get isDueWithin24Hours() {
let msLeft = this.dueDate - new Date();
return msLeft >= 0 && msLeft <= 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000;
// `name` is a String.
name: String,
// `nameChangeCount` increments when `name` changes.
nameChangeCount: {
value({ listenTo, resolve }) {
let count = resolve(0);
listenTo("name", () => {
// Owner is a custom ObservableObject with a first and
// last property. Whenever `owner` is set, the value
// will be converted to the Owner type.
owner: type.convert(Owner),
// `tags` is an observable array of items that
// defaults to including "new"
tags: {
get default() {
return new ObservableArray(["new"]);
// `toggleComplete` is a method
toggleComplete() {
this.complete = !this.complete;
// -----------------------------------------------------------
// Create and use instances of the observable key-value type:
// -----------------------------------------------------------
// Create a todo instance:
const todo = new Todo({ name: "Learn Observables" });
// Change a property:
todo.dueDate = new Date(new Date().getTime() + 1000 * 60 * 60);
// Listen to changes
todo.listenTo("nameChangeCount", ({ value }) => {
console.log(value); //-> 1
let handler = ({ value }) => {
console.log(value); //-> "Learn observables"
todo.listenTo("name", handler);
todo.name = "Learn observables";
// Stop listening to changes
todo.stopListening("name", handler);
// Stop listening to all registered handlers
// Call a method
console.log(todo.complete); //-> true
// Assign properties
owner: {
first: "Justin",
last: "Meyer"
// Serialize to a plain JavaScript object
console.log(todo.serialize()); //-> {
// complete: true,
// dueDate: Date,
// name: "Learn observables",
// owner: { first: "Justin", last: "Meyer" },
// tags: ["new"]
// }
Observable lists
import { ObservableArray, type } from "can";
// -----------------------------------
// Define an observable TodoList type:
// -----------------------------------
class TodoList extends ObservableArray {
// Specify the behavior of items in the TodoList
static items = type.convert(Todo);
// Create a computed `complete` property
get complete() {
// Filter all complete todos
return this.filter({ complete: true });
// -----------------------------------
// Create and use instances of observable list types:
// -----------------------------------
/// Create a todo list
const todos = new TodoList([
{ id: 1, name: "learn observable lists" },
new Todo({ id: 2, name: "mow lawn", complete: true })
// Read the length and access items
console.log(todos.length); //-> 2
console.log(todos[0]); //-> Todo { id: 1, name: "learn observable lists" }
// Read properties
console.log(todos.complete); //-> TodoList[Todo{ id: 2, name: "mow lawn", complete: true }]
// Listen for changes:
todos.listenTo("length", ({ value }) => {
console.log(value); //-> 1
// Make changes:
// Call non-mutating methods
const areSomeComplete = todos.some((todo) => {
return todo.complete === true;
console.log(areSomeComplete); //-> false
Typed properties
can-type can be used to define typed properties in [ObservableObject] and [StacheElement]
- Types are strict by default, which means an error will be thrown if a property is set to a value of the wrong type.
- convert can be used to create a property that will always convert its value to a specific type.
- maybe can be used to create a property that can be
import { ObservableObject, type } from "can";
class Person extends ObservableObject {
static props = {
first: type.check(String), // type checking is the default behavior
last: type.maybe(String), // maybe null, undefined or string
age: Number, // type checking
birthday: type.maybeConvert(Date) // converts the value to date if is defined
const farah = new Person({
first: 'Farah',
last: null,
age: '4',
birthday: undefined
// Uncaught Error: "4" (string) is not of type Number.
// Property age is using "type: Number". Use "age: type.convert(Number)"
// to automatically convert values to Numbers when setting the "age" property.
Render a template that updates the page when any data changes using can-stache:
import { stache } from "can";
import Todo from "//canjs.com/demos/api/todo.mjs";
// Create a template / view
let view = stache(`<p>I need to {{ this.name }}</p>`);
const todo = new Todo({ name: "learn views" });
// Render the template into document fragment
let fragment = view(todo);
// Insert fragment in the page
Common can-stache tags and built in helpers:
View | Data | Result |
<script type="module">
import { StacheElement } from "can";
// Extend StacheElement to define a custom element
class StacheExamples extends StacheElement {
static view = `
<p>{{ this.escapeValue }}</p>
<p>\{{{ this.unescapeValue }}}</p>
{{# if(this.truthyValue) }}
{{ else }}
{{/ if }}
{{# if(this.promise.isPending) }}
{{/ if }}
{{# if(this.promise.isRejected) }}
Rejected {{ this.promise.reason }}
{{/ if }}
{{# if(this.promise.isResolved) }}
Resolved {{ this.promise.value }}
{{/ if }}
{{# for(todo of this.todos) }}
{{ todo.name }}-{{ this.owner.first }}
{{/ for }}
{{# eq(this.eqValue, 22) }}
{{ else }}
{{/ eq }}
{{ let first = this.owner.first }}
{{ first }} {{ this.owner.last }}
static props = {
escapeValue: "<b>esc</b>",
unescapeValue: "<b>unescape</b>",
truthyValue: true,
promise: {
get default() {
return Promise.resolve("Yo");
todos: {
get default() {
return [{ name: "lawn" }, { name: "dishes" }];
owner: {
get default() {
return {
first: "Bohdi",
last: "Meyer"
eqValue: 22
customElements.define("stache-examples", StacheExamples);
Common can-stache expressions:
View | Data | Result |
<script type="module">
import { StacheElement } from "can";
// Extend StacheElement to define a custom element
class StacheExamples extends StacheElement {
static view = `
<p>{{ [key] }}</p>
<p>{{ addArgs(age, 2) }}</p>
<p>{{ addProps(v1=age v2=2) }}</p>
static props = {
age: 3,
key: "age",
addArgs(v1, v2) {
return v1 + v2;
addProps(vals) {
return vals.v1 + vals.v2;
customElements.define("stache-examples", StacheExamples);
Element Bindings
Listen to events on elements, read data, write data, or cross-bind data on elements with can-stache-bindings:
View | Roughly Equivalent Code |
.shake {
/* Start the shake animation and make the animation last for 0.5 seconds */
animation: shake 0.5s;
@keyframes shake {
0% { transform: translate(1px, 1px) rotate(0deg); }
10% { transform: translate(-1px, -2px) rotate(-1deg); }
20% { transform: translate(-3px, 0px) rotate(1deg); }
30% { transform: translate(3px, 2px) rotate(0deg); }
40% { transform: translate(1px, -1px) rotate(1deg); }
50% { transform: translate(-1px, 2px) rotate(-1deg); }
60% { transform: translate(-3px, 1px) rotate(0deg); }
70% { transform: translate(3px, 1px) rotate(-1deg); }
80% { transform: translate(-1px, -1px) rotate(1deg); }
90% { transform: translate(1px, 2px) rotate(0deg); }
100% { transform: translate(1px, -2px) rotate(-1deg); }
<script type="module">
import { StacheElement, ObservableObject } from "can";
// Extend StacheElement to define a custom element
class StacheExamples extends StacheElement {
static view = `
<p>Updates when the todo's name changes:
<input value:from='this.todo.name'/>
<p>Updates the todo's name when the input's <code>change</code> event fires:
<input value:to='this.todo.name'/>
<p>Updates the todo's name when the input's <code>input</code> event fires:
<input on:input:value:to='this.todo.name'/>
<p>Updates when the todo's name changes and update the
todo's name when the input's <code>change</code> event fires:
<input value:bind='this.todo.name'/>
<p>Calls the todo's <code>sayHi</code> method when the button
is clicked:
<button on:click="this.todo.sayHi()">Say Hi</button>
<p>Animate the div when the todo's <code>name</code> event fires:
<div on:name:by:todo='this.shake(scope.element)'
{{ this.todo.name }}
static props = {
sayHi() {
console.log("the element says hi");
shake(element) {
removeShake(element) {
todo: {
get default() {
return new ObservableObject({
name: "",
sayHi() {
console.log("the todo says hi");
customElements.define("stache-examples", StacheExamples);
Custom Element Bindings
Similar to the bindings on normal elements in the previous section — you can listen to events on custom elements, read, write or cross-bind an element’s properties with can-stache-bindings.
The following shows examples of passing data to and from
the <my-counter>
element in the Custom Elements Basics
<!-- Listens to when count changes and passes the value to doSomething -->
<my-counter on:count="this.doSomething(scope.element.count)"></my-counter>
<!-- Starts counting at 3 -->
<my-counter count:from="3"></my-counter>
<!-- Starts counting at startCount -->
<my-counter count:from="this.startCount"></my-counter>
<!-- Update parentCount with the value of count -->
<my-counter count:to="this.parentCount"></my-counter>
<!-- Cross bind parentCount with count -->
<my-counter count:bind="this.parentCount"></my-counter>
<!-- Adds the custom element to the page -->
<script type="module">
import { StacheElement } from "can";
class MyCounter extends StacheElement {
static view = `
Count: <span>{{ this.count }}</span>
<button on:click='this.increment()'>+1</button>
static props = {
count: { default: 0 },
increment() {
customElements.define("my-counter", MyCounter);
class MyApp extends StacheElement {
static view = `
<p>Calls <code>sayHi</code> when <code>count</code> changes.
<my-counter on:count="this.sayHi(scope.element.count)"></my-counter>
<p>Start counting at 3.
<my-counter count:from="3"></my-counter>
<p>Start counting at <code>startCount</code> ({{ this.startCount }}).
<my-counter count:from="this.startCount"></my-counter>
<p>Update <code>parentCount</code> ({{ this.parentCount }}) with the value of count.
<my-counter count:to="this.parentCount"></my-counter>
<p>Update <code>bindCount</code> ({{this.bindCount}}) with the value of count.
<my-counter count:bind="this.bindCount"></my-counter>
static props = {
sayHi(count) {
console.log("MyApp says hi with", count);
startCount: { default: 4 },
parentCount: {},
bindCount: { default: 10 }
customElements.define("my-app", MyApp);
You can also pass data to custom elements directly in html using fromAttribute:
<!-- pass count directly to the <my-counter> element -->
<my-counter count="5"></my-counter>
<!-- pass count directly to the <my-counter> element -->
<my-counter count="5"></my-counter>
<script type="module">
import { StacheElement, type, fromAttribute } from "can";
class MyCounter extends StacheElement {
static view = `
Count: <span>{{ this.count }}</span>
<button on:click='this.increment()'>+1</button>
static props = {
count: { type: type.convert(String), default: 0, bind: fromAttribute },
increment() {
customElements.define("my-counter", MyCounter);
Pass can-stache renderers to custom elements to customize layout:
{{< incrementButton }}
<button on:click="this.add(5)">ADD 5!</button>
{{/ incrementButton }}
{{< countDisplay }}
You have counted to {{ this.count }}!
{{/ countDisplay }}
<my-counter count:from="5" incrementButton:from="incrementButton" countDisplay:from="countDisplay"></my-counter>
Use call expressions to call the passed renderer or the default renderers if one was not provided.
import { StacheElement } from "can";
class MyCounter extends StacheElement {
static view = `
{{ incrementButton(this) }}
{{ countDisplay(this) }}
static props = {
incrementButton() {
return `<button on:click="add(1)">+1</button>`;
countDisplay() {
return `{{ this.count }}`;
count: 0,
add(increment) {
this.count += increment;
customElement.define("my-counter", MyCounter);
<!-- Adds the custom element to the page -->
<script type="module">
import { StacheElement } from "can";
class MyCounter extends StacheElement {
static view = `
{{ incrementButton(this) }}
{{ countDisplay(this) }}
static props = {
incrementButton() {
return `<button on:click="add(1)">+1</button>`;
countDisplay() {
return `{{ this.count }}`;
count: 0,
add(increment) {
this.count += increment;
customElements.define("my-counter", MyCounter);
class MyApp extends StacheElement {
static view = `
{{< incrementButton }}
<button on:click="this.add(5)">ADD 5!</button>
{{/ incrementButton }}
{{< countDisplay }}
You have counted to {{ this.count }}!
{{/ countDisplay }}
<my-counter count:from="5" incrementButton:from="incrementButton" countDisplay:from="countDisplay"></my-counter>
customElements.define("my-app", MyApp);
Data Modeling
Connect data types to a restful service with can-rest-model:
import { restModel } from "can";
import Todo from "//canjs.com/demos/api/todo.mjs";
import TodoList from "//canjs.com/demos/api/todo-list.mjs";
const todoConnection = restModel({
ObjectType: Todo,
ArrayType: TodoList,
url: "/api/todos/{id}"
Retrieve, create, update and destroy data programmatically:
JavaScript API | Request | Response |
Check the status of request:
const todo = new Todo({ name: "make a model"});
// Return if the todo hasn't been persisted
todo.isNew() //-> true
// Listen to when any todo is created:
Todo.on("created", (ev, todo) => {});
let savedPromise = todo.save();
// Return if the todo is being created or updated
todo.isSaving() //-> true
savedPromise.then(() => {
todo.isNew() //-> false
todo.isSaving() //-> false
let destroyedPromise = todo.destroy();
// Return if the todo is being destroyed
todo.isDestroying() //-> true
destroyedPromise.then(() => {
todo.isDestroying() //-> false
Connect data types to a restful service and have CanJS automatically manage adding and removing items from lists with can-realtime-rest-model:
import { realtimeRestModel } from "can";
// Define a real time restful model
const todoConnection = realtimeRestModel({
ObjectType: Todo,
ArrayType: Todo.List,
url: "/api/todos/{id}"
// Update instances and lists from server-side events:
var loc = window.location;
const socket = new WebSocket('ws://'+loc.host+loc.pathname+"/ws");
socket.addEventListener("todo-created",(event) => {
todoConnection.createInstance( JSON.parse(event.data) );
socket.addEventListener("todo-updated",(event) => {
todoConnection.updateInstance( JSON.parse(event.data) );
socket.addEventListener("todo-removed",(event) => {
todoConnection.destroyInstance( JSON.parse(event.data) );
Simulate a service layer where you can create, retrieve, update and delete (CRUD) records:
import { fixture } from "can";
let todosStore = fixture.store([
{ id: 0, name: "use fixtures", complete: false }
], Todo);
fixture("/api/todos/{id}", todosStore);
Define routing rules and initialize routing with can-route:
import { route } from "can";
// Create two-way routing rule:
route.register("{page}", { page: "home" });
// Define routing data type
class RouteData extends ObservableObject {
static props = {
page: String
// Connect routing system to an instance
// of the routing data type
route.data = new RouteData();
// begin routing
// Provide access to the route data to your application component
class MyApp extends StacheElement {
static view = '<page-picker page:from="this.routeData.page"/>';
static props = {
routeData: {
get default() {
return route.data;
Create responsive links in can-stache views with can-stache-route-helpers:
<a href="{{ routeUrl(page='todos') }}"
class="{{# routeCurrent(page='todos') }}
{{ else }}
{{/ routeCurrent }}">Todos
Make AJAX requests with can-ajax:
import { ajax } from "can-ajax";
url: "http://query.yahooapis.com/v1/public/yql",
data: {
format: "json",
q: 'select * from geo.places where text="sunnyvale, ca"'
}) //-> Promise<Object>
Perform differences with can-diff:
diff.list(["a","b"], ["a","c"])
//-> [{ type: "splice", index: 1, deleteCount: 1, insert: ["c"] }]
diff.map({ a: "a" },{ a: "A" })
//-> [{ type: "set", key: "a", value: "A" }]
Read and store the results of feature detection with can-globals:
import { globals } from "can";
globals.getKeyValue("isNode") //-> false
globals.getKeyValue("isBrowserWindow") //-> true
globals.getKeyValue("MutationObserver") //-> MutationObserver
Read and write nested values with can-key:
import { key } from "can";
const task = {
name: "learn can-key",
owner: { name: { first: "Justin", last: "Meyer" } }
key.delete(task, "owner.name.first");
key.get(task, "owner.name.last") //-> "Meyer"
key.set(task, "owner.name.first", "Bohdi");
Parse a URI into its parts with can-parse-uri:
import { parseURI } from "can";
//-> {
// authority: "//foo:8080",
// hash: "#change",
// host: "foo:8080",
// hostname: "foo",
// href: "http://foo:8080/bar.html?query#change",
// pathname: "/bar.html",
// port: "8080",
// protocol: "http:",
// search: "?query"
// }
Convert a string into another primitive type with can-string-to-any:
import { stringToAny } from "can";
stringToAny( "NaN" ); // -> NaN
stringToAny( "44.4" ); // -> 44.4
stringToAny( "false" ); // -> false
Convert one string format to another string format with can-string:
import { string } from "can";
string.camelize("foo-bar")) //-> "fooBar"
string.capitalize("foo") //-> "Foo"
string.esc("<div>foo</div>")//-> "<div>foo</div>"
string.hyphenate("fooBar") //-> "foo-bar"
string.underscore("fooBar") //-> "foo_bar"
Operate on any data type with can-reflect:
import { Reflect } from "can";
// Test the type:
Reflect.isBuiltIn(new Date()) //-> true
Reflect.isBuiltIn(new Todo()) //-> false
Reflect.isConstructorLike(function(){}) //-> false
Reflect.isConstructorLike(Date) //-> true
Reflect.isListLike([]) //-> true
Reflect.isListLike({}) //-> false
Reflect.isMapLike([]) //-> true
Reflect.isMapLike({}) //-> true
Reflect.isMoreListLikeThanMapLike([]) //-> true
Reflect.isMoreListLikeThanMapLike({}) //-> false
Reflect.isObservableLike(new Todo()) //-> true
Reflect.isObservableLike({}) //-> false
Reflect.isPlainObject({}) //-> true
Reflect.isPlainObject(new Todo()) //-> false
Reflect.isPromiseLike(Promise.resolve()) //-> true
Reflect.isPromiseLike({}) //-> false
Reflect.isValueLike(22) //-> true
Reflect.isValueLike({}) //-> false
// Read and mutate key-value data
const obj = {};
Reflect.getKeyValue(obj,"prop") //-> "VALUE"
Reflect.assign(obj, { name: "Payal" });
Create types that work with convert using can-type:
import { Reflect, type } from "can";
const MaybeNumber = type.maybe(Number);
Reflect.convert(42, MaybeNumber); // -> 42
Reflect.convert(null, MaybeNumber); // -> null
Reflect.convert(undefined, MaybeNumber); // -> undefined
Reflect.convert("hello world", MaybeNumber); // throws!
const ConvertString = type.convert(String);
Reflect.convert(42, ConvertString); // -> "42"
Reflect.convert(null, ConvertString); // -> "null"
Reflect.convert(undefined, ConvertString); // -> "undefined"
Reflect.convert("hello world", ConvertString); // -> "hello world"
const MaybeConvertBoolean = type.maybeConvert(Boolean);
Reflect.convert("false", MaybeConvertBoolean); // -> false
Reflect.convert(null, MaybeConvertBoolean); // -> null
Reflect.convert(undefined, MaybeConvertBoolean); // -> undefined
Reflect.convert("hello world", MaybeConvertBoolean); // -> true
const StrictNumber = type.check(Number);
Reflect.convert(42, StrictNumber); // -> 42
Reflect.convert(null, StrictNumber); // throws!
Reflect.convert(undefined, StrictNumber); // throws!
Reflect.convert("hello world", StrictNumber); // throws!