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There are several ways to load CanJS in your application. Most likely you will use one of the pre-built versions like can.jquery.js but it is also possible to load each module individually using AMD or Steal.

In a <script> tag

The most common way of using CanJS is the core builds from the download (or download builder) included in a <script> tag. The following section contains quick instructions how to load CanJS for each library it supports.


CanJS supports jQuery in the latest 1.X and 2.0 version. Include jQuery before your CanJS jQuery build to get started:

<script src="//ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.0.3/jquery.min.js">
<script src="can.jquery.js"></script>
  $(function() {
    // start using CanJS
    var Todo = can.Model.extend({


CanJS supports Zepto 0.9+. Include a copy of Zepto along with CanJS to get started.

<!-- Zepto 0.8 with focus/blur patch applied -->
<script src="http://zeptojs.com/zepto.js"></script>
<script src="can.zepto.js"></script>
  $(function() {
    // start using CanJS
    var Todo = can.Model.extend({


You can also use the Dojo base download and simply include it alongside CanJS:

<script src="//ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/dojo/1.8.3/dojo/dojo.js">
<script src="can.dojo.js"></script>
  // start using CanJS
  var Todo = can.Model.extend({


CanJS supports Mootools 1.4+. Include a copy of Mootools Core along with CanJS to get started.

Mootools Core has an issue where focus and blur events are not fired for delegate event listeners. Include Mootools More's Event.Pseudos module for focus and blur support.

<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/mootools/1.4.5/
<!-- Mootools More Event.Pseudos module -->
<script src="mootools-more-event_pseudos-"></script>
<script src="can.mootools.js"></script>
  // start using CanJS
  var Todo = can.Model({


CanJS supports YUI 3.4+ with both dynamically or statically loaded modules. CanJS depends on the following YUI modules: node, io-base, querystring, event-focus, and array-extras. The selector-css2 and selector-css3 YUI modules are optional, but necessary for IE7 and other browsers that don't support querySelectorAll.

To use with dynamically loaded modules, include the YUI loader along with CanJS. Add 'can' to your normal list of modules with YUI().use('can', ...) wherever CanJS will be used.

<script src="http://yui.yahooapis.com/3.4.1/build/yui/yui-min.js"></script>
<script src="can.yui.js"></script>
  // CanJS with support for modern browsers
  YUI().use('can', function(Y) {
    // start using CanJS
    Todo = can.Model({
  // CanJS with support for IE7 and other browsers without querySelectorAll
  YUI({ loadOptional: true }).use('can', function(Y) {
    // start using CanJS
    Todo = can.Model({

To use with statically loaded modules, include a static copy of YUI (with the previously mentioned YUI dependencies) along with CanJS. CanJS will automatically be included wherever YUI().use('*') is used.

<!-- YUI Configurator: http://yuilibrary.com/yui/configurator/ -->
<script src="http://yui.yahooapis.com/combo?3.7.3/build/yui-base/yui-base-min.
<script src="can.yui.js"></script>
    // start using CanJS
    Todo = can.Model({

CanJS can also bind to YUI widget events. The following example shows how to bind to the selectionChange event for a YUI Calendar widget:

YUI().use('can', 'calendar', function(Y) {
  // create models
  Todo = can.Model({ ... });
  Todo.List = can.Model.List({ ... });
  // create control
  Todos = can.Control({
    // listen to the calendar widget's selectionChange event
    '{calendar} selectionChange': function(calendar, ev){
      // do something with the selected date
      var selectedDate = ev.newSelection[0];
  // initialize the app
  Todo.findAll({}, function(todos) {
    new Todos('#todoapp', {
      todos: todos,
      calendar: new Y.Calendar({
        contentBox: "#calendar"


The CanJS Download contains an amd/ folder which allows you to load any CanJS component and plugin using an AMD module loader like RequireJS. Unlike many other JavaScript libraries CanJS is fully modular and loading a dependency will only include the modules actually used (for example, can/control will only load can/construct and can/util). The amd-dev/ folder contains the same files but with debugging message enabled which can be very helpful during development.


The default library used with AMD modules is jQuery. CanJS will reference the jquery module so that name needs to point to your jQuery source and the can module name needs to be mapped to the amd/ folder of the CanJS download.


In RequireJS a simple configuration looks like this:

<script type="text/javascript" src="require.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
    paths : {
      "jquery" : "http://code.jquery.com/jquery-2.0.3",
      "can": "path/to/can/amd"

  require(['can/control', 'can/view/mustache'], function(Control, can) {
    // Use Mustache and Control
    var MyControl = Control.extend({
      init: function() {
        this.element.html(can.view('path/to/view.mustache', this.options));

The can module is a shortcut that loads CanJS's core plugins and returns the can namespace:

require(['can'], function(can) {
  // Use can.Control, can.view, can.Model etc.


The configuration for Dojo is similar but can/util/library needs to be mapped to can/util/dojo:

<script src="//ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/dojo/1.8.3/dojo/dojo.js">
<script src="can.dojo.js"></script>
    aliases : [
      ['can/util/library', 'can/util/dojo']
    paths : {
      can: 'path/to/can/amd'

  require(['can/control'], function(Control) {
    // Use Control

Using other libraries

If you would like to use another library, map the can/util/library module to can/util/zepto, can/util/yui or can/util/mootools.

With RequireJS and Zepto, it loks like this:

  paths : {
    "can": "path/to/can/amd",
    "zepto" : "http://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/zepto/1.0rc1/zepto.min"
  map : {
    '*' : {
      "can/util/library" : "can/util/zepto"


See using CanJS 2.2 with StealJS for instructions on loading Can with the latest StealJS.