
  • function

Converts a value passed to attr into an appropriate value.

define.type(newValue, attrName)

Converts a value passed to attr into an appropriate value.


  1. newValue {*}

    The value passed to attr.

  2. attrName {String}

    The attribute name being set.



The value that should be passed to set or (if there is no set property) the value to set on the map instance.



the instance of the can.Map.


The type property specifies the type of the attribute. The type can be specified as either a type function that returns the type coerced value or one of the following strings:

  • "string" - Converts the value to a string except null or undefined.
  • "date" - Converts the value to a date or null if the date can not be converted.
  • "number" - Passes the value through parseFloat except for null or undefined.
  • "boolean" - Converts falsey, "false" or "0" to false and everything else to true.
  • "htmlbool" - Like boolean, but also converts empty strings to true. Used, for example, when input is from component attributes like <can-tabs reverse/>
  • "compute" - If the value set is a compute, will allow the returning of the computed value.
  • "*" - Prevents the default type coersion of converting Objects to can.Maps and Arrays to can.Lists.

Basic Example

The following example converts the count property to a number and the items property to an array:

 define: {
   count: {type: "number"},
   items: {
     type: function(newValue){
       if(typeof newValue === "string") {
         return newValue.split(",")
       } else if( can.isArray(newValue) ) {
         return newValue;

When a user tries to set those properties like:

map.attr({count: "4", items: "1,2,3"});

The number converter will be used to turn count into 4, and the items type converter function will be used to turn items into [1,2,3].

Preventing Arrays and Objects from Automatic Conversion

When an array is passed into a can.Map setter, it is automatically converted into a can.List. Likewise, objects are converted into can.Map instances. This behavior can be prevented like the following:

 define: {
   locations: {type: "*"}

When a user tries to set this property, the resulting value will remain an array.

map.attr('locations', [1, 2, 3]); // locations is an array, not a can.List

Working with the 'compute' type

Setting type as compute allows for resolving a computed property with the .attr() method.

MyMap = can.Map.extend({
  define: {
    value: {
      type: "compute"

var myMap = new MyMap();
var c = can.compute(5);

myMap.attr("value"); //-> 5

myMap.attr("value"); //-> 6

//Be sure if setting to pass the new compute
var c2 = can.compute("a");
myMap.attr("value"); //-> "a"