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Deprecated 2.1

This plugin is pending review and its API has not been finalized. Including this plugin will overwrite filter (which is faster but doesn't provide live-updating). The new filter and map methods also have a slightly different API, including the element, index, and list as arguments (instead of only element and list).

The can.Map.List plugin adds support for live-updating mapped and filtered observable lists.


Generates a new filtered list that live-updates itself to contain the filtered items of the original list.

var list = new can.List([
    { name: 'Justin' },
    { name: 'Brian' },
    { name: 'Austin' },
    { name: 'Mihael' }])
// Returns a filtered list that only matches names containing an "n"
var filtered = list.filter(function(element, index, list) {
    return item.attr("name").match(/n/i);


  1. callback {function(element, index, list)}

    A filtering function that will determine whether an element is filtered or not.



A live-updating filtered list.

Generates a new mapped list that live-updates itself to contain the mapped items of the original list.

var list = new can.List([
    { name: 'Justin' },
    { name: 'Brian' },
    { name: 'Austin' },
    { name: 'Mihael' }])
// Returns a mapped list that returns the element names.
var filtered = list.filter(function(element, index, list) {
    return item.attr("name");


  1. callback {function(element, index, list)}

    A mapping function that will determine each element's mapped value.



A live-updating mapped list.